Our Services

Core CPAs PCOur approach to tax and business services involves gaining an understanding of our clients’ business and/or personal objectives to determine alternatives for tax or business savings and advising on the strategies that best fit their needs. We have extensive experience with a range of projects and utilize our vast experience and systems to efficiently handle client service requests. Since our services are specifically designed for each client, we provide a wide variety of business and tax services.

The list below is not exhaustive but rather a sampling of some of the services often employed by Core CPAs PC.


Services Offered


  • Preparation of federal and state income tax returns
  • Year-end tax planning /ongoing tax planning to minimize federal and state income taxes
  • Retirement planning
  • Planning involving investments and optimization of titling of assets
  • Estate planning, including choice of techniques to protect family assets or minimize estate taxes
  • Charitable planning
  • Assistance with real estate transactions, related tax planning, and lending matters
  • Review of investment opportunities
  • Assistance with representation before federal and state tax authorities, including resolution of tax notices and representation in tax audits
  • Business advisory services


  • Preparation of federal and state tax returns for corporations, S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies
  • Tax planning, focusing on minimizing tax for owner/business as a group
  • Consulting regarding business formation matters
  • Optimization of business format at various cycles of a business life
  • Assistance with analyzing retirement plan choices
  • Consulting in employee benefit matters
  • Assistance with key employees/key partner's compensation arrangements
  • Review of business and tax implications of operating agreements and buy-sell agreements
  • Consulting on purchases of a business – structuring, finding opportunities to minimize purchase price and tax benefit optimization
  • Consulting on business sales – ongoing assistance with negotiation tactics, structuring, and tax optimization
  • Tax planning pertaining to business liquidations

Trust and Estate

  • Preparation of federal and state trust income tax returns
  • Tax planning to minimize trust taxes
  • Consultation about beneficiary tax matters and trust coordination
  • Assistance with trust creation alternatives
  • Preparation of federal estate tax returns
  • Preparation of federal and state income tax returns for estates
  • Determine optimal use of deductions between estate tax, estate income tax, and beneficiaries
  • Accounting assistance and accounting report generation for estates and trusts

Real Estate

  • Consulting on purchase options for real estate and review of business agreements
  • Consulting about capital gain preferential tax rate treatment on real estate transactions
  • Review of tax deferred real estate exchanges and tax savings opportunities
  • Assistance with real estate developers and tax structuring
  • Consulting regarding real estate investments


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